Day 8: A little break

Today I went to my internship and learned that the server for the website is very awful. It was miserable to work with today. My co-workers and I were having technical difficulties in terms of uploading and updating the web page. I don’t understand how anything productive can happen when technology is down in today’s day.

I worked on an article about Muhammad Ali with Louis Vuitton. It reminded me of my final Islam in America paper from this past semester. Longest paper of my life thus far.  The article came out fairly well and I learned more about Louis Vuitton.

After work, I decided to stop by a grocery store to purchase some snacks and something to eat for lunch. I discovered that ham is even more popular than I already knew. They had ham flavored potato chips and other things. I ended up purchasing pizza flavored Ruffles and after tasting them earlier, I must say that they have a rather nice kick of flavor to them.

For most of today, I relaxed in my host home. I even took a siesta for a few hours. I think it was nice to take a break from all the running around I’ve done since I got here. It was nice to just sit and read for a while and enjoy my home stay. With that said, I didn’t really take any pictures today, but I did upload several videos from the parade I saw yesterday to YouTube. If you are interested, visit: Enjoy!