Day 4: Marilyn, Laundry, Siesta, Salsa

I left one hour later for my internship than I did yesterday because I realized how much time it really takes me to get to the office. I still had about 15 minutes to spare which was the perfect time for me to stop and get my favorite breakfast café drink: un té con leche (Tea with milk; if done right, basically my way of making myself Chai).

I am definitely not used to the way Spaniards treat time. When my boss tells me to be at my internship at 9:30 each morning, she more so means nearly 9:45. They are much more relaxed about the way time works in this country, except on the metro and transportation of course.

Yesterday I wrote an article for the web about a resort. Unfortunately, the web system was down and I was not able to publish it online. However, today I was! Here is a link to the article for anyone who is interested: Article 1.

Today I was assigned to write an article for the future print magazine. It was about a new jewelry collection that debuted at the recent Cannes Film Festival. Not only was that topic incredibly interesting to me, but it was also a collection made to honor Marilyn Monroe. As a major fan of the television show Smash and its music and the idea of a musical about Marilyn Monroe’s intriguing life, I thought that it was a perfect subject. Ironically, I was listening to the soundtrack from the show when I received the email with my assignment.

Learning some salsa moves

After my internship, I walked past the same café I got a drink at earlier and noticed that they had a lunch buffet. Since I am definitely trying to use my money wisely while here, I decided it was a good option and incredibly convenient since it is about a block down from my work. I really enjoyed the buffet and think I’ll definitely be going back! It was a fair price of less than nine Euros for a lot of good food and even a drink. I approve.

Because I was incredibly full, it was natural for me to feel sleepy. Today I gave in and finally took a siesta. But first, I decided it was time to finally take a shot at doing laundry in Spain. I successfully loaded the washing machine without breaking anything! While the laundry machine did its thing, I took a nice two hour siesta and finally appreciated the shutters that always make the room pitch black regardless of what time of day it is. I definitely felt much better afterwards.

In my home stay, and like many other places in Spain, a dryer is nonexistent. For the first time since the last time I went to India, I found myself hanging clothes to dry on a clothesline and realized how much longer that takes. The differences in simple tasks in other countries definitely always fascinate me and make me further appreciate the luxuries we often take for granted in America.

Tonight I was given the opportunity to attend a salsa dance class! It was about an hour long and I learned five basic steps. It was definitely very fun. I learned that salsa is all about being sexy and having fun, which I definitely did. Moreover, I’m proud of myself for not falling and being able to keep up even during the faster music.

The bar my host mother has taken me to twice so far. She really enjoys getting dinner here and the outside sitting area is really pleasant to eat at.

Finally, I went with my host mother to a little bar that she likes to eat dinner at from time to time “for the fresh air.” It’s the second time I’ve gone with her and I definitely enjoyed sitting outside and chatting with her about various subjects. As I learn to improve my Spanish, she is some practice on her English again. It’s a win/win situation.

Tomorrow my internship group is attending a workshop. I’m not exactly sure of the material we will cover, but I’m definitely interested in learning more things! I don’t work tomorrow, so I get to sleep in a little bit at last. I’m definitely still not entirely over the jetlag.

Hasta luego!